Thursday, December 10, 2009

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?

My period is normally spread out only 28 days, so today, it鈥瞫 5 days late. Could I be????

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?performing art center

It's somewhat hard to say.

If your cycle is normally very regular at 28 days and it's day 33 and you still haven't gotten your period, there is a good chance that you could be pregnant if you had unprotected sex or if your contraceptive didn't work properly and you were active during your "fertile window"

However, other things can cause a normally-on-time period to be late, such as stress. Sometimes, regular periods can run a little late for no obvious reason at all.

I would suggest getting a couple pregnancy tests. It's best to take one with your first morning urine because that is when your urine is usually the most concentrated with HCG (the hormone that is present during pregnancy that the home pregnancy tests check for) If you get a positive result, then it's very safe to say that you're pregnant. If you get a negative, that's a little trickier because false negatives are very common due to testing to early. If you still haven't gotten your period in a week or a few days- test again.

You could also go to your doctor's office and ask for a blood test. Blood tests are more accurate than Home Pregnancy Tests, however there is no "home" version of a blood test- you have to go to your doctor's office, an immediate care clinic, a planned parenthood or pregnancy help center, or a diagnostics lab.

Good luck with getting whatever result you're wanting!

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?theatre tickets opera theater

Take a's the only way to know!
you might be, please have a pregnancy test and check..

all the best!
Go and get a test and then you will know for sure!! It's bad if we get your hopes up.
There's a darn good chance! Save your money and just go to the doctor to get a blood test. They will give you one whether you tell them you had a positive hpt test or not! Good Luck and God Bless!
yes u can be pregnant if u had sex with usin a get a test right away.and good luck
Take a test and let us know! :D
wel test for crying out loud!!! have you got any symptoms???
If you had intercourse last month, possibly- buy a pregnancy test today, take it tomorrow morning with your first urine of the day for most accurate results.
why not take a test, Iam as well 28 days and AF didn't come on the due date till this day, I tested on the 1st of Sept and it came positive. why not do a test and com firm

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