Saturday, December 5, 2009

How did they make a thunder crash sound effect in globe theater in Shakespeare's time?

how did they use it? and why do they use that kind of sound effect?

How did they make a thunder crash sound effect in globe theater in Shakespeare's time?opera house

By rattling a metal sheet, or a rolling cannonball. They would need it for a stormy scene in, say, King Lear or Macbeth. Read about the special effects here:

How did they make a thunder crash sound effect in globe theater in Shakespeare's time?dream theater opera theater

Uh.....a drum?
a sheet of some sort of metal would be my guess.

they would use that kind of sound effect because they wanted to simulate thunder....
Big gongs.
The fat lady farted.
The same way that we made it in my HS drama class - they took a thin sheet of metal and shook it to make noise. It's not a perfect duplicate of the sound of thunder, but it'll pass pretty easily and you can adjust it to be louder or softer depending on what's happening in the play.
they rolled the heavy bullet

that is to say they rolled a cannon ball back stage

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